With an undersized and aging physical plant, St. John Medical Center was in need of a facilities modernization program to address growth and quality of the hospital environment. In addition to providing necessary expansion for the inpatient platform, key diagnostic services including surgery were in need of investment to add capacity, functionality and improved outpatient experiences.
Array’s solution, an evolution from a facilities assessment and master planning effort, reconfigured surgical services with construction of a new outpatient entrance with direct access to the new Same Day Surgery family waiting, prep and recovery. Four new, state-of-the-art operating rooms and an endoscopic procedure suite were added along with a new PACU.
The creation of a new outpatient entrance provided patient and family amenities, allowed for ease of ambulatory access to key diagnostic/treatment services and improved the hospital’s image-both visually and operationally. The project established discreet circulation paths for inpatient and outpatient populations. The new operating rooms and intake/recovery areas added clinical capacity and functionality which allows the surgical service to operate more efficiently.
Barber & Hoffman
Cawrse & Associates
CRG Solutions, Inc.
HF Lenz
Karpinski Engineering
Michael Benza & Associates
MCM Company
Osborn Engineering
Richards Communications
Thorson Baker and Associates
Van Auken Akins