When expanding outpatient infusion services near their main campus, Montefiore Medical Center planned to include a USP 797 Pharmacy to handle current and future capacity at the two story Infusion Center.
Twenty new, second floor infusion bays with direct sight lines from the nurse station, amenities for both patient and a guest as well as a comfortable waiting space complemented the original bays on the first floor. The chemo-mixing pharmacy, located in the new, second floor space, can serve both infusion suites. Five fume hoods, in two clean rooms, provides ample space to turn medication orders around efficiently.
The on-site Pharmacy allows patients to receive treatment in a more streamline fashion. Thoughtful planning for future growth will serve the Pharmacy well into the future. Having fitout the entire space, instead of leaving shell space for conversion when needed, will save on disruptions in care.
Bladykas Engineering
Metropolis Group
Reuther & Bowen
Tower Property Management